
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Think With Me

I will rescue you for my sake— yes, for my own sake! I will not let my reputation be tarnished, and I will not share my glory with idols! [Isaiah 48.11]

When we demand that God uses the world's medicine, money, or technology, have we not made those things essential to God? If God cannot work without the aid of medicine, money, and technology (man's accomplishments), then He cannot claim all the glory for their benefit! I mean, He could, but what kind of reputation would that be? He could claim all the glory by "sovereignty," but that would only make Him a reputed bully, taking what was not fully His. Isaiah 48.11 makes two things certain: God is highly protective of His reputation, and, He will not share His glory with idols.

Think about it, today's OYCB reading describes how man carves his idol or molds it with metal. The common denominator to both these processes is man's input. Are not medicine, finance, and technology today a tribute to the work of man (his intelligence, skill, and ingenuity)? Of course defenders of these idols claim that God gave the wisdom to do all these wonderful things, but is God really the one they are trusting? The litmus test to determine the answer to this question is a simple one: take away those works of man to see if God is really doing anything or if it's all man! I mean, if we genuinely trust God, then we genuinely believe He doesn't need the assistance of man, right? ...Right???

The problem with the theology that God uses man's accomplishments is that those who are not God's people enjoy the same benefits of man's accomplishments but they do not glorify God for them. And here is where God's reputation gets involved. How can God's people stand "in faith" that God alone is their source of health, wealth, and technology if they incorporate the exact same methods as the world for their well-being? While starry-eyed "believers" will claim God's involvement in these things, the world only laughs at such gullibility and God's reputation is tarnished!

Also, for the record, God does not need our help to preserve His reputation. Our trust in God alone is for our obedience, not His reputation.

How can we think we are effectively and genuinely believing in Jesus alone for our salvation when we struggle to see around man's accomplishments (idols) to believe for God's blessings on earth?

Father, I am continuing to seek Truth from Your Word. I want pure undivided faith in You alone.

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