
Saturday, July 20, 2024

As For Me...

As for me, I look to the LORD for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. [Micah 7.7]

What an amazing Scripture! What a confession! What faith!

"As for me, I look to the LORD for help..." In light of Israel's historical idolatry, this does not mean that I will look to the LORD and anyone or anything else. It means I will look exclusively to the LORD. It means I will ignore all the solutions that allure me with their deceptive invitation, "God uses me."

"I wait confidently for God to save me..." If there is a question about whether or not something is "God saving me," then it is indeed NOT God doing it. God is unmistakable in His work. Everything God does is in complete confidence and therefore, we may be completely confident in recognizing Him in His work!

God will certainly hear me... How foolish of man to reason that a worldly solution is God's answer! Regardless how impressive the circumstances were, Elijah passed on the wind, the earthquake and the fire in order to hear what God said (1 Kings 19.11-13). God, through His Word, speaks to every situation in our lives, and we, thereby, know God certainly hears us.

Should I wonder then how my circumstances will turn out if only I will have such confidence? I think not.

Father, I am looking to You for help. I am waiting confidently for You to save me, and You will certainly hear me.

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