
Saturday, July 02, 2022

Judge Not

Putting confidence in an unreliable person in times of trouble is like chewing with a broken tooth or walking on a lame foot. [Proverbs 25.19]

I think I have misunderstood this verse...

My understanding of this verse up until now has been that I need to judge people (let's say, "discern" to make us feel better) to determine if they are reliable or unreliable. 

But what if this admonition is describing a person, who, by nature of being human, is unreliable instead of by their individual merit is reliable or not? In other words, instead of making myself "judge" of individuals, I should understand that all humans are unreliable (including myself).

In light of what we know to be true about judging others, my suggestion here would be the safer conclusion (judging no single person, but undertanding human nature) than taking it upon myself to determine if any individual is reliable or unreliable.

My understanding of mankind's collective nature natuarally reminds me of my own nature. This understanding serves to keep my judgment of others in check!

My conclusion here also coincides with God's well-documented desire and demand (throughout the Bible) that His people trust Him alone and never put their trust in man.

Father, thank You for never ending revelation from Your Word.

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