
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Pride Short-circuits Faith

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. [Proverbs 16.18]

I am in a very "reflective" mood today. I hope to avoid feeling sorry for myself, and instead see what the Bible says.

So, as I look to the Word of God today for instruction and direction, I am doing so particularly as it relates to my physical and material conditions - both of which are in great need. I am experiencing no uncertain physical destruction and imminent material fall. And that is where Proverbs 16.18 comes into view.

For the conditions I am experiencing, Proverbs 16.18 identifies both as the result of one thing: pride. Haughtiness is simply another way of describing pride as are the words arrogance and self-confidence.

In reference to personal relationships, the 'action' of pride is judgment. While pride is the underlying cause, judgment is the outward expression of it. How can this be? Because the self-damning action of judgment cannot exist without the existence of pride.

Pause here to consider that the judgment I am speaking of here is not the kind of judgment found in a system of law where a prescribed "judge" compares the action of a party to that system's code of law. This judgment could be described as "righteous judgment."

With the above established then, we can understand that righteous judgment differs from proud judgment in this: righteous judgment is based on an established standard of law while proud judgment is based on personal comparison. In other words, proud judgment is based solely upon one's own personal standards (which may or may not adhere to any standard of law - including the Bible).

A proud person compares others to himself (or herself). A righteous judge compares others to the established standard of law and renders a verdict solely based upon adherence to that standard of law. There is a huge difference. Pride elevates "me" as the standard by which others are measured, and righteous judgment elevates "the law" as the standard by which others are measured without personal consideration.

So, back to me... As I began my time with God this morning, I asked the LORD today to reveal to me what about my life prevents me from enjoying the promises of health and provision found in the Bible. And then I read Proverbs 16.18...

I think very few ever pause to consider just how much Jesus humbled Himself to come to earth. In a somewhat disturbing statement by Jesus Himself, I think we might just get a glimpse of the extent of Jesus' humility:

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. [Mark 10.18 (and similarly in Luke 18.19)]

Not a soul has ever walked this earth better than Jesus the Christ, our Messiah. Should it not then disturb us to the point of personal reckoning to consider His own words regarding Himself? Why would we EVER judge anyone by the pathetic standard of our own life? The answer is simple: We have believed a lie - and the teller of that lie is Satan himself. Satan has not only secured personal lines of communication with us telling us we are better than others, but he has also secured a widespread and deeply-rooted social campaign spreading the proud ideologies of "personal space, self-esteem, self-help, & self-growth" to mention a few. Even among so-called "Christian" people, there is encouragement to avoid toxic people and surround oneself with positive people instead. Had Jesus followed these modern ideologies, He would never have submitted Himself the to Cross and mankind would have been damned to hell for eternity.

The only person I am allowed (more specifically, instructed) to compare my life to is Jesus. The Bible is clear that my life is to reflect His. 

Pride short-circuits faith. Faith indeed connects us with the blessings and humility of Jesus. But pride eliminates any and every benefit of faith and secures judgment instead:

“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. [Matthew 7.1-2]

Father, I have absolutely no grounds to claim any good thing in this life or for eternity except Jesus. Forgive me for falling into Satan's trap of thinking I deserve any good thing based on my own merit. Forgive me for judging others by my life and standards. Forgive me for not comparing my life to Jesus every second of every day. Forgive me for the nasty pride and arrogance that has been my life... May Jesus be "everything" in my life. May Your power and preeminence be seen in me. May all the glory be to You!

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