
Monday, May 30, 2022

Hey Guys, Watch This

Wise people think before they act; fools don’t—and even brag about their foolishness. [Proverbs 13.16]

I watched a "production" yesterday (YouTube, I guess it was) of a guy building high performance vehicles, but doing so in a manner totally opposite that of standard mechanical convention. The man's efforts seemed to follow the least logical path of "good mechanic work" and instead he and his crew performed the procedures in the most illogical, careless and destrhctive way possible. And, it turns out, his methods were the entertainment factor of the show.

I know I should just laugh it off as entertainment (as I did at the time), but then I encountered this verse in Proverbs today. In fact, the above mentioned video made a mockery of wisdom while celebrating foolishness.

The video production highlighted here is not an isolated example. There seems to be a growing entertainment *value* in foolishness. "Hey guys, watch this!" has become the anthem of thoughtless actions highlighing foolish and destructive behavior.

However, before we decry this fadish exaltation of foolishness, it is only fair that we consider the standard against which it is measured: the exaltation of knowledge. Proverbs addresses that fallacy as well:

The wise don’t make a show of their knowledge, but fools broadcast their foolishness. [Proverbs 12.23]

So, for man to celebrate (make a show of) his knowledge or his foolishness is ill-advised. Indeed, man's responsibility is to celebrate God.

Father in heaven, may my life be found exalting You in everything. I don't mean to be critical here, but I do wish to learn from what Your Word is saying to me and apply it to my life.

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