
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Knowledge Is Foolishness

Timothy, guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge. Some people have wandered from the faith by following such foolishness. [1 Timothy 6.20-21]

Knowledge is power. Right?

When compared to faith, knowledge (powerful as it may be) is foolishness.

You may quote me on the sentence above. But, better still, quote 1 Timothy 6.20-21!

As followers of Jesus Christ, we must understand that faith transcends all knowledge. Granted, "knowledge" of faith is necessary in order to operate in faith, however, "knowledge" of faith is not faith.

Faith steps beyond knowledge. Knowledge says that water is not to be walked upon - science reveals that the surface tension of water will simply not support the weight of a human being as imposed upon it through the surface area of the human foot. However, faith operates at a different level than knowledge - a higher level. Faith is not limited to the same parameters (the unseen rules) of science and therefore of knowledge.

Faith is simply better than knowledge. Oh, don't get me wrong, knowledge is not sin. But faith is far better.

Knowledge always requires more knowledge. Who can ever know everything there is to know about everything? If science has proven anything to humanity, it is that there is always more to learn (think of a rat on a treadmill never reaching a destination) - there is never a point of completion. Faith on the other hand just says, "Lazarus, come forth!" with no regard for (or limitations to) knowledge.

Faith really is the better way. And besides, knowledge, given enough time, will always oppose faith.

So, where is our time best spent? On knowledge or faith?

Is there then a premium on ignorance? Perhaps we should give careful consideration before answering this question.

Father, forgive me for putting more effort in gaining knowledge than growing in faith.

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