I am writing these things to you now, even though I hope to be with you soon, so that if I am delayed, you will know how people must conduct themselves in the household of God. This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth. [1 Timothy 3.14-15]
There is a right way for the Church to "do church." Consequently, there is also a wrong way.
Paul underscores the fact that there is great importance for the Church to "do church" correctly. That importance is due to the Church being the Church of the living God, and being the pillar and foundation of the truth.
We need to stop everything for just a moment and consider what being the pillar and foundation of the truth really means.
We need to understand the significance of this statement.
And, we need to be willing to adjust accordingly.
If the Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth, then there is absolutely no need for the Church to make any attempt whatsoever to look like the world. Unfortunately, the Church, to date, has not done so well at this.
In our modern churches where our worship services increasingly more resemble a dark secular concerts complete with accompanying light shows, I believe it is safe to say we have succumbed to the world's way - we have failed to distinguish the worship of God above the need for entertainment.
I, or anyone else for that matter, could go on and on listing ways in which the Church has desecrated its standing as the pillar and foundation of the truth. However, it serves us better simply to appeal to each and every member of the Body of Christ to diligently consider his or her corporate service to God as the pillar and foundation of the truth and how that should be portrayed and carried out. This begins with leadership.
When leaders of the Church look and act like the world, it establishes the precedent for the congregation to do likewise. That is precisely why Paul began first explaining church leaders' responsibilities.
No, this is not a pleasant subject. But it is only that way because it requires change on our part. Our pride and our flesh naturally want to rebel. However, in a day and age when truth is sketchy on a widespread basis, it becomes more critical that the Church emerges as the pillar and foundation of the truth, doesn't it?
Father, help us as Your Church to rise up as the pillar and foundation of the truth.
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