Saturday, March 24, 2018

"I Didn't Sin" Doesn't Cut It

But Israel violated the instructions about the things set apart for the LORD. A man named Achan had stolen some of these dedicated things, so the LORD was very angry with the Israelites. Achan was the son of Carmi, a descendant of Zimri son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah. [Joshua 7.1]

So, all Israel was punished for one man's sin.

Guilt is presented in an interesting way by this story. Actually, it is presented in a scary way.

If a whole nation was guilty for violating God's instructions because of one man, what kind of guilt would be upon the USA (my nation) because of widespread sin?

There is simply no better Biblical account that reveals the need for corporate repentance than this story in the Bible.

It is simply not enough to say, "I didn't sin." 

It is time that God's people take the lead in repenting for the unchecked evil in our nation!

Father, forgive me - forgive us - for the arrogant rebellion in our nation, the United States of America. Forgive us for social sins, murder, sexual sins, and sins of omission. Forgive us for adultery, homosexuality, abortion, gambling, murder, theft, corruption, excess, pride, and downright Godlessness in almost every area. Forgive us for shallow, meaningless religion. Forgive us for being content with powerless faith. Forgive us for lying to ourselves and each other about the obvious curses we experience (poverty, sickness, disease, hardships) and find us repentant instead. Forgive us for self-centeredness. Forgive us for seeing and not observing, hearing but not listening, and for being content to not understand. Forgive us for calling evil good and good evil. Dear Father, forgive us!

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