Sunday, March 25, 2018

An Earth-Stopping Fact: Our Word Is Important

“Don’t ever be afraid or discouraged,” Joshua told his men. “Be strong and courageous, for the LORD is going to do this to all of your enemies.” [Joshua 10.25]

For all the places in the Bible where God's people are told not to fear, this one perhaps stands out as the most profound among them all. It is unique because of its context.

Today's OYCB reading is, from beginning to end, about victory. Israel's conquests described in today's reading are overwhelming and complete.

In the midst of all this conquest (and, by "conquest" I mean complete and thorough annihilation of entire people groups), Israel's preservation of the Hivites from Gibeon is quite a fact of ponder.

So strong was the covenant Israel made with the Gibeonites that they would go to war against formidable opposing forces just TO PROTECT THEM! It wasn't about the Gibeonites' lie, but about Israel's covenant.

The profoundly worded verse above was in context of protecting the Gibeonites (who had lied to Israel) because of a covenant relationship with them. Israel could have just let the five kings annihilate the Gibeonites before they defeated those five kings. But they didn't. And, in context of protecting the Gibeonites, this strong instruction by Joshua stands today.

So significant was the defeat of the five kings on behalf of Gibeon that God stopped the rotation of the earth for a time so that it could be completed. If God's assurance that Israel would be victorious was not enough, this 'earth-stopping' fact is mind blowing!

The take-away from this is that it is easier to live free from fear when we live by our word.

Perhaps another take-away from this story is that our word is worth fighting for.

Father, there is so much to be learned from this simple account of Israel's conquests. Help me to learn all that is there. Help me to live with integrity - being true to my word - and help me to live without fear of man.

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