
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Who Is One To Believe?

“Present the case for your idols,” says the Lord.  “Let them show what they can do,” says the King of Israel.  “Let them try to tell us what happened long ago so that we may consider the evidence.  Or let them tell us what the future holds, so we can know what’s going to happen.  Yes, tell us what will occur in the days ahead.  Then we will know you are gods.  In fact, do anything—good or bad!  Do something that will amaze and frighten us.  But no!  You are less than nothing and can do nothing at all.  Those who choose you pollute themselves. [Isaiah 41.21-24]

Follow the evidence!  (or, Follow the science!)

But what if the evidence is incomplete?

What if the incomplete evidence leads you in a wrong direction?

What if you draw conclusions on incomplete evidence that restricts your view of new evidence?

I like the way the prophet Isaiah presented his case above on behalf of the LORD.  First he challenged idols to explain the past.  Then, he challenged them to define the future.

Modern science can really only 'attempt' to explain the past.  There is no way of knowing if modern science has 'all' the evidence necessary to draw definitive conclusions.  However, we still see science claiming anyway to have definitive conclusions for important events such as the origin of the universe.  Is modern science an idol?

It just so happens that Isaiah stands in history as one of the prophets who prophesied extensively about the coming Messiah.  No idol could do that.  Isaiah attributed it to the LORD.

So, back to modern science... when modern science can predict the future, then perhaps it can claim there is no God.  Until then, only God (through the chronicles of the Bible) has effectively described the past and the future.

Who is one to believe?

Logic: Why trust the claims about the past from something that cannot make claims about the future? (when there exists something that has made accurate claims about the future - the Bible - that tells a different story about the past?)  

Father, these were just random thoughts today, but I found myself wondering why we so trust science over the Bible?  For ages, Your Word has told mankind what is to come (as well as what was) and yet we have attached ourselves to science almost as if just to contradict the Bible.  Forgive me for my participation in this kind of thinking!

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