
Saturday, July 05, 2014

Some Thoughts About Humanity And Faith

For the Lord God is our sun and our shield.  He gives us grace and glory.  The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.  O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, what joy for those who trust in you. [Psalm 84.11-12]

What is right?

Could it be that the Psalmist answered that question in the very next sentence?  ...To trust in the LORD of Heaven's Armies.

I have no doubt that New Testament Christians should do what is right in every regard.  But, the fact is, no Christian can or will do what is right in every regard!

Mankind has been given two gifts in this life.  One gift became a tainted one - it is humanity itself.  It is affected by all its surroundings, culture, environment, family and economy.  These affecting factors, much of the time, lead ultimately to sin (thus humanity is tainted).  Sin is, ultimately, the best humanity can do.

The other gift is faith.  Faith cannot be affected by the factors above because it is something of God - call it Godly if you will - that is above all these factors and, like humanity, was given by God to each and every living soul.  Because faith is under God's control, it cannot sin.  There is a fine line between humanity and faith in the human psyche, but a vast difference.  Humanity can only displease God and faith can only please God.

Each living soul must choose whether to live out his humanity or his faith.  But be forewarned, humanity can and ultimately will sin.  Faith, on the other hand, can and will never sin.

These are appropriate thoughts to accompany the message of the Messiah and His role in redeeming mankind!  It is no irony then that mankind is given the opportunity to believe (or have faith) in the Messiah!

Father, I want to do right as far as my humanity can take me, but beyond that, I want to do right by faith!

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