
Saturday, October 24, 2009

N o Relationship with God = No Relationship with Family

Terrified fathers run madly, without a backward glance at their helpless children. [Jeremiah 47.3b]

This sentence is, in context, a description of the fearful situation of those in Gaza when Egypt conquers it according to Jeremiah's prophecy. However, a question crossed my mind as I read verse 47.3b: Could it be said that the general problem we witness in families today is that parents are running madly away and not looking back at their helpless children? Could it be that in all the busy-ness of life parents have abandoned their number one priority next to God - their families?

Why would anyone abandon their children? Fear - overwhelming fear.

Am I REALLY busy, or do I fear not having as much as my neighbor? Am I REALLY busy or do I fear not a nice car or house? Am I REALLY busy or do I fear not getting enough "me" time? Am I REALLY busy or do I fear God will not provide?

The HUGE point so many miss is that priority #2 (family) can ONLY be embraced (and not abandoned) if priority #1 (God) is in place. If God is properly honored in our lives, then fear (even selfish fear) will not overwhelm us. Priority #1, God, cannot be bypassed! Any attempt to do so will be met with frustration and overwhelming fear (because only God can truly overcome confusion and fear).

One can only have proper relationship with family after first having proper relationship with God (Who gives fearless abandon to self instead of family).

Father, help me to comprehend that my relationship with You is the only thing that will give me effective and fearless commitment to my family.

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