
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Christ In Me

And yet another player enters the field in the saga of Job. This young man (Elihu) seems to be fed up with the whole situation. Even though he had properly withheld speaking while his elders spoke, he finally could withhold no more. His anger was twofold: he was mad at Job for holding to his innocence, and he was mad at the three friends for implying God was wrong by not rebuking Job for his pride. The story continues...

Is it just me, or does it sound like the apostle Paul is defending himself (sort of like Job) in II Corinthians?

And then... in the Psalms, I am hearing yet more self-proclamation of righteousness... Maybe it IS just me... But I am feeling overwhelmed with all the discourse on why God should come to our defense because of our innocence.

Hello! My life is riddled with sin. I have sinned yesterday, today, and I have no confidence in myself that I will not sin tomorrow.

But still I cry out to God - not because I am righteous, but because Jesus has redeemed me! I have been given countless blessings though I deserve not one. I DO also experience pain and suffering. And I DO also cry out to God to deliver me. But my case before Him is not MY righteousness - but that of Jesus Christ Who died and rose again for me! I believe!

Father, let my life be a picture of Your mercy and grace!.. Let the world acknowledge along with me that I am worthless in and of myself. But let all see Christ in me - the hope of glory!

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