“You must not covet your neighbor’s wife. You must not covet your neighbor’s house or land, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor. [Deuteronomy 5.21]
Most all modern marketing promotes covetousness. It is broadly based on presenting (to us) other people with something we want.
I get it, it's just marketing, right? But, if we can see it, years of exposure to this practice has groomed mankind's wholesale thought process to the point that it is okay to want what someone else has - whether to want what they actually have, or something like it so we can have the same thing they have.
In light of what is said here, the Tenth Commandment could very possibly be the most violated commandment of all.
And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? [Matthew 16:26]
Father, help me to understand the barrage of advertisements that appeal to my sense of wanting what someone else has... May my needs, first of all, be genuine, and then may they be met in You and not as the result of a revenue-driven marketing campaign that manipulates me to want something just because someone else has it. So be it.
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