Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last—salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth—the one who accuses them before our God day and night. And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. [Revelation 12.10-11]
On this day in 2022, I wrote the article It's Not About Me. In retrospect, ever since that time, God has been speaking further to this same end. Today, I feel there is more to add, so, here goes...
There is simply no way to defend our "me-centric" culture using the full context of God's Word. The subject passage above speaks directly to this point: they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. This does not imply that God's people are defeated, but it does imply that their enemy is defeated!
What is grossly misunderstood among "believers" today however is that "life" from God's perspective, has nothing to do with "remaining alive" on earth. In fact, "remaining alive" on earth IS the enemy of the life God gives! Let's explore this further...
Nearly everything the world highlights and promotes is about remaining alive. Better health, better wealth, better sex, better knowledge, better looks, better amenities, better tools... and the list goes on and on of what the world views as "better life." Consequently, the devices of man that support all these "better" things come into focus as idols when viewed through Kingdom eyes (eyes that see and understand). These devices of man are debt, insurance, medicine and technology (go ahead for yourself and see if they "check all the boxes" for "better..." listed here).
Not only does the Book of Revelation stand in stark contrast to the pursuit of remaining alive on earth, but Jesus Christ repeatedly stated:
If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed? [Luke 9.23-25]
What Jesus indicated was the the goal of remaining alive on earth is indeed the antithesis of following Him. No amount of theology, "faith" teaching, or wishful thinking can Biblically argue otherwise. Just to be clear, this is not meant to be derogatory against the "faith" movement. Cessationists are every bit as guilty of attempting to remain alive as "faith" people are! Anyone who bows to the idols that promise preservation of life on earth has altogether missed the point of God's Word as Jesus Christ "fleshed it out" for all to see and understand.
But, isn't the power of God offered to those who believe? Yes indeed. However, until God's people see and understand that God's power is entrusted to them for the work of ministry - the work of reconciling others unto God - they simply cannot be trusted with much of it!
In simple words: If our motivation is "to live" on earth, we have missed the point. The Bible does not support remaining alive on earth, but instead, it teaches us to die to everything earthly (including life itself) so that we might live in Christ for eternity. This is our testimony.
When God's people finally "get this" (which, they overwhelmingly do not at this point), end times will start to make much more sense to them. Idols will come into focus for what they are. "Remaining alive" will be seen as a strategy of hell. And, the power of enduring faith will reap eternal life hidden with Christ in God.
In the Garden of Eden, Satan deceived the first humans to "improve their lives." He is still employing that same highly successful strategy today in wholesale fashion. As long as people (including God's people) are focused on remaining alive, they are of no threat to Satan and His kingdom.
Father, continue to reveal to us our own condition so that we might see and understand how we fit into Your Kingdom (or do not fit into it). Forgive us for our fixation upon remaining alive instead of seeking our cross every day. May the lives we live on earth serve Your purpose alone and nothing of our own (or Satan's). May we realize incremental victory in You as we literally seek to lay down our lives on behalf of others in true Kingdom fashion. So be it.
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