
Saturday, September 21, 2024

It's Simple

So all Israel was listed in the genealogical records in The Book of the Kings of Israel. The people of Judah were exiled to Babylon because they were unfaithful to the LORD. [1 Chronicles 9.1]

It would be nice if we today could be so simple about our circumstances and respond to God accordingly.

What would it look like if when there was a drought (for example) we simply sought the LORD about it and repented? This applies to any situation where the results of disobedience (curses as detailed in Deuteronomy 28.15-68) manifest.

The fact is, if we sought out and repented for all the curses going on all around us today, the repentance would no doubt go on for weeks and months - maybe even years. That's depressing, right?

But if we look at something the Apostle Paul wrote, we get a glimpse of something wonderful:

God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. [Romans 5.20]

God's abundant grace keeps pace with sin, but only for those who repent and believe in Christ. Let's clarify: "Repent and believe in Christ" is a lifestyle more than it is a momentary action (although it begins in a moment). Repentance and faith are co-dependent attitudes found in a genuine follower of Christ. Repentance without faith is condemnation and faith without repentance is presumption - neither yield salvation.

The more that sin abounds, the more opportunity abounds to repent and believe making room for abundant grace - God's wonderful and amazing grace.

For those who refuse to repent in the midst of curses, well, they are left to their own devices and then, ultimately eternal separation from God in hell. But, for those who choose the humble lifestyle of repentance and faith in Christ, there is wonderful abundant grace accompanied by every blessing defined in Deuteronomy 28.1-14!

The problem today is that "Christians" are just as unrepentant as anyone else in the world. Instead of viewing and understanding curses as signals that something is awry, they simply treat the symptoms like everyone else with debt, insurance, medicine and technology AND THEN proudly argue that God uses these things to take care of them! Not a moment's thought is given that the curses they are remediating are indeed curses requiring spiritual attention (repentance).

What's more, Jesus Christ already paid the sacrificial price for all the curses. With His body and blood on the Cross, Jesus removed the need for the meticulous and repeated sacrifices and offerings previously associated with repentance. However, and contrary to popular opinion, Jesus DID NOT redeem mankind from the need to repent! Man must still acknowledge sin and repent to enjoy, by faith, His redemption from the curses of sin and death.

The people of Judah were exiled to Babylon because they were unfaithful to the LORD. We also experience all manner of curses because we are unfaithful to the LORD. Curses do not lie. Until we can be so simplistic and humble, we are alienated from God. Yes, this is truth straight from the Bible, Old and New Testaments combined. Our ONLY hope and salvation is Jesus and His salvation is ONLY enjoyed by those who repent and believe as a life commitment.

And for those reading this who are perfect and without sin (without need to repent??), read Daniel's Prayer.

Father, thank You for Jesus. May I be found repentant and faithful every day in every way so that I might walk in Your power to be useful to Your Kingdom! Forgive me for my faithlessness to You. Forgive our nation for faithlessness to You. Forgive the world for our faithlessness to You. So be it.

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