
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Uncomfortable Truth

Because of your detestable idols, I will punish you like I have never punished anyone before or ever will again. [Ezekiel 5.9]

God's actions following this statement were harsh to say the least.

There is however, some hope for people found in idolatry today in that the punishment Ezekiel described was told to be the worst in all history. Could this have indicated the Advent of a Savior would have later effect?

If indeed faith in Christ is preventing God's punishment from being its worst today, imagine what it might be like if there wasn't at least some faith in Christ found!

But this also brings up another point. If faith in Christ is preventing "some" punishment, what is stopping us from looking to Him for redemption from ALL punishment?

Mind you, punishment for disobedience (idolatry, which sums up most all sin whether bowing down to idols or bowing down to our own selfishness) looks like every curse written in Deuteronomy 28.15-68. Certainly modern society is experiencing much of what Deuteronomy 28.15-68 describes. Only today, these curses are ignorantly treated and remedied by the very idols that likely caused them in the first place. Few Christians distinguish themselves from the world in this regard. Those who do, or even suggest idolatry's role in current sicknesses and diseases (and subsequently, that repentance is the only valid remedy, not more idolatry), are seen as radical or uninformed.

Was the Apostle Paul misinformed when he wrote the following?

But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” [Galatians 3.13]

Is it possible to trust that Jesus hung on the Cross to save us from sin, and yet, the curses from that sin remain in effect? If so, why would Paul write that Jesus took upon Himself the curse...

As as has been written here on other days, curses do not lie, punishment does not lie, and the Bible does not lie. The only liar is Satan. We should be very careful not to read into the Bible something it does not say! Jesus showed us "the way" by healing the sick, raising the dead, and feeding multitudes with practically nothing. Jesus declared that we are sent as He was sent. He even went so far as to say that the very things He did, we would do also, but even greater things.

This is all very uncomfortable truth when considering our embrace of things to remedy curses instead of repentance.

Even though God, through Ezekiel, said He would not punish to the extent He did in Ezekiel's day, that does not preempt telltale punishment (curses) today! WE should pay attention!

Father, help us to re-think our view of the world in which we live. Help us to "read" our circumstances accurately and respond accordingly! In other words, help us to understand that curses point out sin that requires repentance without the complication that comes when we feel compelled to preserve our own lives (as if we could), excusing sin as the cause and turning to idols for healing, provision, and peace that You said comes only from You!

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