
Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Sins Jeroboam Led Israel To Commit

But Pekah did what was evil in the LORD’s sight. He refused to turn from the sins that Jeroboam son of Nebat had led Israel to commit. [2 Kings 15.28]

The phrase, "the sins that Jeroboam son of Nebat had led Israel to commit," is found several times just in today's OYCB reading alone. There is significance to any and everything the Bible repeats!

We should understand that the repetition of pointing out the sins that Jeroboam led Israel to commit indicates the nature of sin. It is relentless. It also points out the nature of people. They are easily enticed to sin. But it also points out that people are inclined to commit the same sins over and over. Now, we are getting somewhere!

The sins that Jeroboam led Israel to commit all revolved around two golden calves Jeroboam had set up as idols. These idols were set up and alleged to have delivered Israel from Egypt. 

As much as we today would like to make this problem of repeated sin an ancient problem with no relevance to us today, we should understand that God's repeated and undeniable presentation of Himself to humanity (for all time) is that of Almighty God in Whom every need of man who looks to Him is met. God wants our singular focus. God was very specific that He would share our devotion with no other.

How does this apply to us today? We have solutions for nearly everything. We have medicine, mortgages, technology and science. Consequently, many believe modern man no longer needs the crutch of "God" in order to survive. The sins Jeroboam led Israel to commit - to look to something other than God as their deliverer - are just as prevalent today as they were when they first started. The sin of idolatry has not gone away, but instead, has evolved into a complex set of systems designed to ensnare mankind more securely than ever by their promise of a better life - whether in health, money, knowledge or reason.

The problem is that all these idols are in intricate collaboration to entrap mankind in Godless existence. Oh, of course they are not presented as the nefarious bondage they are, but rather as the wonderful benefits of our modern age. The dreadful truth of this captivity however is that this Godless existence is, in far too many ways, only further perpetrated by another invention of man: religion.

The sins Jeroboam led Israel to commit - trusting something other than Almighty God - are more prevalent today than even before. Are we so deep in the trap though that there is no longer enough light to see our condition?

How ironic that the following passage is also included in today's OYCB reading:

And he said, “Yes, go, and say to this people, ‘Listen carefully, but do not understand. Watch closely,  but learn nothing.’ Harden the hearts of these people. Plug their ears and shut their eyes. That way, they  will not see with their eyes, nor hear with their ears, nor understand with their hearts and turn to me for healing.” [Isaiah 6.9-10]

Idols take our attention off God. The fact that Jesus, in Matthew 13.15, quoted Isaiah 6.9-10, coupled with the fact that He demanded faith in God should also alert us of the enduring nature of the sins that Jeroboam led Israel to commit (to take their eyes and ears off God and believe instead in idols).

Are we seeing? Are we hearing? Are we understanding the idols of today are much more capable and magnificent - exponentially more enticing - than any golden calves could ever be?

Will our eyes see, our ears hear, and our hearts understand? The sin of idolatry that Jeroboam led Israel to commit is the one and same sin we deal with today, trusting in any and everything besides God for that which God said He alone is our provider.

Father, help us to see the importance of understanding that idolatry is more prevalent today than at any other time in history. Help us to seek ways to escape the snares of idolatry. Help us be on guard at every turn that our faith is in You and You alone.

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