Thursday, April 04, 2024

If God Would Use Samson...

Samson judged Israel for twenty years during the period when the Philistines dominated the land. [Judges 15.20]

If Samson's story ended here, it would be one thing... But, as we will see tomorrow, there is more to Samson's story.

Just from today's OYCB reading alone, Samson's life was full of bloodshed and self-centeredness. But, he was tough on the Philistines who ruled Israel at this time. From what we will read tomorrow, we will also learn that Samson's pattern with women was less than desirable. And yet, he was a 'judge' for Israel with a 20-year tenure. 

If God would use Samson, it makes sense He might use us in our less-than-perfect state of existence.

However, before we take great comfort in the statement above, we should be reminded that Samson died a blind captive albeit as a victor on behalf of Israel.

God does what He wants to do and uses whomever He chooses to use. Period. I don't know whether to take great comfort in this or tremble with fear.

If I were to take something away from Samson's story that might have meaning to me personally, it would be the need for humility. However, had Samson been humble, there is little likelihood he would have done what he did... Or is there?

Father, as I read about these judges of Israel, help me to understand what You are saying through the preservation of their stories and make application respectively.

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