
Thursday, January 04, 2024

Uncompromising Unquestionably Undivided Faith

Abram replied to the king of Sodom, “I solemnly swear to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will not take so much as a single thread or sandal thong from what belongs to you. Otherwise you might say, ‘I am the one who made Abram rich.’ [Genesis 14.22-23]

I suppose it could be said of Abram that he was just being proud or hard-headed regarding the matter discussed above. But, considering that Abram, who became Abraham, is Biblically acclaimed as The Father of Faith, there is something worthy of our attention in this account! And that is, unsurprisingly, uncompromising unquestionably undivided faith.

In an advanced world full of 'solutions' to man's problems, there exists little that man (in his reasoning) could really need from God. Oh sure, man could use a little help from time to time when the world's solutions fall short, so God is often solicited. Otherwise, as long as man's solutions work as planned, God's help is not needed. 

Of course, religious people decry the thought of utilizing the world's solutions without giving God some (or even all) credit, but the world's solutions still remain a necessary part of dealing with the problem.

Let's play out Abram's situation above with today's religious way of handing the matter...

Abram replied to the king of Sodom, “I solemnly swear to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will not take so much as a single thread or sandal thong from what belongs to you [because that is how God provides for me]. Otherwise you might say [So I will say], ‘I am [God is] the one who made Abram rich.’ [Genesis 14.22-23 modified to reflect today's approach]

As ludicrous as it seems to make the adjustments above to the scripture, that is exactly what man does today when he utilizes worldly solutions instead of standing firmly upon God's Word - that God alone is our source for everything He declares Himself Provider for! While we may accept and allow it, and even God may accept and allow it, it only "peeves" the world when the credit for its accomplished solutions are designated elsewhere! Had Abram said "thank God," as he accepted what the king of Sodom offered, could not the king of Sodom said, "Wait just a minute, that was me who gave it, not God!"?

Uncompromising faith is not only concerned with how God views its actions, but goes so far as to preserve uncompromising unquestionably undivided faith in God alone before a doubting godless world! And, that is exactly what Abram did!

What is revealed here today puts most "believers" in a compromised position. Our dependence upon the world and its ways (knowledge, technology, medicine, finance, etc...) makes us subject to those ways regardless what we religiously 'claim' with our mouths. While 'at church' everyone may weep and cry "Hallelujah!" for worldly solutions, they have no credible testimony to the world (or themselves for the matter) that "God alone is my source!" If we have no credible testimony to the world (that God loves so much He died for us), then we have no purpose to exist here.

This matter should never be discussed apart from the following Commandment of God:

You must not have any other god but me. [Exodus 20.3]

The year is 2024, godlessness abounds, the world is hopelessly lost in its own 'advancements,' and God is calling His people to stand up and stand out! This will ONLY be accomplished with uncompromising unquestionably undivided faith!

Father, I want to stand up and stand out with a testimony of uncompromising unquestionably undivided faith!

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