
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Not Options, But Instructions

Jehoshaphat was terrified by this news and begged the LORD for guidance. He also ordered everyone in Judah to begin fasting. So people from all the towns of Judah came to Jerusalem to seek the LORD’s help. [2 Chronicles 20.3-4]

What a depiction of real life. The news that Judah was under siege was indeed terrifying. Jehoshaphat was terrified. It was real.

Jehoshaphat turned to God though. Jehoshaphat also ordered the people to begin fasting and turn to God. All of Judah converged upon Jerusalem to seek God's help.

My original intent was to write about turning to the LORD, however, as I began writing this, it became apparent that there was something else that needed my attention. That Jehoshaphat ordered the people to seek God is worthy of attention and consideration. Jehoshaphat made the people seek God.

Is that even right? Let just answer like this: to even ask the question, "is that even right" shows how little we understand of God, His Kingdom, and His Authority.

With this said, should not those who are following God today be so bold as to demand compliance from those who follow them? The history up to this point of Christian leaders merely suggesting what the people should do hasn't really set the people apart unto the LORD, has it? No, it hasn't.

Those who are leaders in Christianity need to make demands upon those who follow. The fact that fasting was ordered above indicates that Jehoshaphat knew exactly how to get the people's attention on God!

In Christian reality today, no leader can make anyone do anything. However, what a leader can do is set the standard for those who would follow him and simply refuse all who are unwilling to comply.

Harsh? Perhaps, but what has all our "softness' up to this point really accomplished? Nothing much.

It is time to change. It is time that God's people are no longer given options, but rather clear instructions! It is time that those who would be part of God's Kingdom actually participate in the execution of Kingdom matters instead of just attending the business meetings!

Father, may there be a spirit of boldness upon Your leaders today to make demands of those who simply follow. And, may there be results as seen in Jehoshaphat's story!

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