
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Idols and Pride

Human pride will be brought down, and human arrogance will be humbled. Only the LORD will be exalted on that day of judgment. [Isaiah 2.11]

So profound is this statement, that Isaiah duplicated it exactly in verse 17 as well.

The context of these verses is idol worship - trusting in something or someone other than God. So why is pride mentioned in the context of idol worship? Excellent question!

Idols are the work of man. As much as we like to think of idols as figures of carved wood, chiseled stone, or forged metal, the fact remains that they are manmade. Bear with me here, but, even those idols that are natural (the sun, moon, stars, trees, mountains, etc...), are something of man's perception - something he understands to some degree. The common error surrounding every idol is man's estimation that that idol does something for man for which it should be worshiped.

Here is where pride comes into focus. For man to conclude that an idol does anything for him, is a proud denial of God and His declaration that He is our everything. So, the problem is not the "idol" but the pride of man to contradict God by saying an idol offers some benefit that God said He Himself provides.

Pride is at the root of human sin.

Father, help me be on constant alert against pride in my life. Help me to trust in You alone.

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