
Saturday, February 04, 2023

Pride Is A Lonely Place

All the Egyptians urged the people of Israel to get out of the land as quickly as possible, for they thought, “We will all die!” [Exodus 12.33]

Why weren't the Egyptians mad at all the Israelites and why didn't the attempt to afflict retaliation on Israel?

Because God had given Israel favor in the Egyptians' sight. Instead of the Egyptians (leadership excluded) feeling polarized from the Israelites, it seems they felt 'part' of all that was going on. 

In fact, we have record that even Pharoah's leaders eventually encouraged him to stop fighting against God.

Pharaoh’s officials now came to Pharaoh and appealed to him. “How long will you let this man hold us hostage? Let the men go to worship the LORD their God! Don’t you realize that Egypt lies in ruins?” [Exodus 10.7]

The Egyptians' empathy for Israel would explain why they so willingly gave the Israelites so much stuff as they were leaving. They understood Israel's hardships through their own suffering inflicted through the plagues.

It came down to Pharoah's pride and subsequent stubbornness. Every chance God gave Pharoah only fueled Pharoah's pride against God and His people Israel. Through every affliction applied to Pharoah, he was given the chance to repent - but, as it turned out, every affliction ultimately only served to harden Pharoah's heart further. Thus, "God hardened Pharoah's heart."

In the end, "Egypt" helped Israel. It seems Pharoah's pride was not only seen by Israel, but by his own people as well.

Pride is a really lonely place to be! There is only 'room at that table' for one.

Father, help me to see the fallacy of pride and arrogance.

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