
Thursday, January 05, 2023

Human Reasoning

Then the LORD said to him, “No, your servant will not be your heir, for you will have a son of your own who will be your heir.” [Genesis 15.4]

Eliezer would not be Abram's heir. That seems reasonable enough. But why could Ishmael not be Abram's heir? After all, he was Abram's seed.

I may be stirring too deep here, but it seems like God was working with Abram on His own terms as God for sure, but God was also working with Abram on Abram's own covenant terms also, ie. his marriage covenant.

Sarai was Abram's wife. This, in itself, was (and is) a basic covenant ordained by God and without complexity. The idea involving Hagar, on the other hand, brought complexity to the table.

For Sarai and Abram, an historic decision was made when they reasoned among themselves that God could not have meant when He said "You will have an heir," that Sarai would have a baby (since she was past childbearing years). Theirs was the same mistake people still make today when considering God's promises: they apply human reasoning to God promises and the outcome becomes "complicated."

We today see many promises in the Bible that apply to us. Sadly, too few really enjoy these promises.

How many complexities have we created in our human reasoning about what God's promises must really mean because our experience does not match those promises?

Here's a case in point: God said, "I am God Who heals you." Simple enough, right? But what do we do? We offer our reasonable explanation for how that works: "God uses Medicine" ("here, take Hagar..."). The more reliance on Medicine that we have seen in recent years has not yielded simplicity but instead yielded a complex system of trying to stay alive utilizing drugs and treatments that then require other drugs and treatments to offset the original treatment's side effects. And, this cycle can become quite a "rabbit hole."

No one will disagree with me that modern Medicine is complicated. No one will disagree that once the Medicine solution is adopted, a whole string of remedial solutions is sure to follow. The purity of a simple medical solution is only an advertisement.

With all the fuss today over people declaring their intent to simplify their lives, how could anyone ever hope to do that while turning to a "solution" that is, at best, a springboard for a plethora of other necessary "solutions" to follow?

So, back to covenants...

If God has gone to the trouble to record in the Bible that He is our Healer... And if Jesus Christ came to earth doing the Father's will healing all who were sick in a covenant exchange for faith, why would we ever reason that Medicine must be part of the equation? "Because we might die!" is your answer? Is that answer based on God's Word or human reasoning? Let me help out with the answer: it's human reasoning!

Human reasoning never has been, nor ever will be, God's simple solution. No amount of argument to the contrary is valid in the presence of God and His Word.

Father, help me to simply believe You and Your Word. Forgive me for complicating my life and negating testimony with human reasoning.

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