Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. [1 Timothy 6.6-8]
Contentment is a big deal. I cannot say I am content. Perhaps it is because I lack in the area of godliness.
How does one become content in his or her financial condition?
This is important!
A person becomes content in their financial condition when their spiritual condition is rich in relationship with God.
Let's say that again...
A person becomes content in their financial condition when their spiritual condition is rich in relationship with God.
As recent as last night, I found myself feeling trapped financially. It's a terrible feeling. And yet, I can see that I have grown more spiritually in the last few years than ever before. Perhaps then I am looking at the wrong thing! In fact I brought nothing into this world and, in fact, I will take nothing with me.
How is it that this scripture would be part of my daily reading today, of all days, after experiencing that raw feeling of despair last night? It can only be the work of the Holy Spirit teaching me to examine myself and my motives in this life.
But what about my family? What ABOUT my family? If I were to provide all the riches in the world for my wife, children and grandchildren and yet fail to propagate genuine faith in them, what have I accomplished? Nothing. It would be a devastating failure of eternal proportion.
My resolve then is to live a life of faith that touches others as Jesus Christ touched others with the power of God. How am I doing at that?
Father, help me today to see what matters and pursue that. I know You said You would take care of the rest...
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