
Monday, July 18, 2022

Is God Alone Able?

“What sorrow awaits my rebellious children,” says the LORD. “You make plans that are contrary to mine. You make alliances not directed by my Spirit, thus piling up your sins. [Isaiah 30.1-2]

Three things are plain to see from Isaiah 30.1-2 and then borne out in all of Isaiah 30).

Rebellious children: God's children are labeled as "rebellious." Rebellion is elsewhere likened to the sin of witchcraft in the Bible (1 Samuel 15.23). Rebellion carries with it the idea of repetition. This serious indictment is defined in the two-fold actions that follow.

Contrary plans: God's people are indicted here of doing exactly the opposite of what know they should do. God would not hold them accountable for ignorance, but the fact that their plans are labeled "contrary" implies that they knowingly, willingly and repeatedly disobeyed God.

Idolatrous alliances: Herein lies the explanation of what the "contrary plans" among God's people are: seeking help, safety and protection outside the help of God alone... knowingly, willingly and repeatedly. God's people "pile up" sins in seeking help elsewhere thus bypassing the help of God alone and in open violation of God's 1st Commandment:

“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. “You shall have no other gods before Me. [Exodus 20.2-3]

What then does this say to God's people today?

Let me paraphrase Exodus 20.2-3: I am God Who helps you. Don't look for help anywhere else!

Because the repeated sins of Israel are the repeated sins of "God's people," God's people today should understand that this same sin is also their nemesis. And yet, even with this knowledge, alarming numbers of "God's people" willingly and repeatedly commit this same violation of God's 1st Commandment today.

Is God able to help His people? Most people quickly answer this question, "Yes!" What predictably and tellingly follows however is the very evidence of "piling up" of sin against God: "But..." (usually followed by reasoning that God uses the help of science, technology, man, etc...)

So, here is another version of the question above: Is God ALONE able to help His people? Our answer to this question reveals what we really regard as true about God. It helps us to see what we really believe about the 1st Commandment.

Don't shoot me, I am just the messenger... (and I am having to review my own life relative to this topic too).

Father, may Your people have a revival of undivided faith in You alone for every "help" Your Word says You give.

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