
Monday, July 04, 2022

He Is

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. [Psalm 46.1]

Either God IS, or He IS NOT our help in times of trouble.

Psalm 46.1 is not just a pleasant thought about God. It is eternal Truth about God’s character upon which our faith can find strength.

So, how then does my experience factor in? Does my experience of God have any bearing on Who God is and what God does?

Does it? Of course not.

Let’s talk about my experience though. I need God right now. I have disabling pain in my body. For quite some time I have been looking to God alone for help. That help has not yet come. I am in trouble. 

What then, am I to do?

Is God that difficult to inquire of? Are God’s blessings locked behind an impossible maze of protocol (albeit called “faith”) that is practically unattainable? Is “letting go and letting God” really just an impossible ideal easily negated by any little glitch in faith or a momentary surge in self-reliance? Didn’t Jesus pay it all?

Is God that incredibly hard to please?

Father, I cannot help myself. I cannot heal myself. It is as if Psalm 46.1 exists to taunt me – even mock me, …but I will remain committed to You. The help of man is useless and I don’t want it because then how could I say with undivided confidence that You are my refuge and strength? I am committed to only trust in You. Forgive me for being so difficult - forgive me for being such a bad example. Forgive me for obviously not believing. I don’t  know what else there is to “let go of…” in order to “let You, God," but I will continue to seek You just the same.

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