
Sunday, June 12, 2022

God Is Good

Then the man of God went to the king of Israel and said, “This is what the LORD says: The Arameans have said, ‘The LORD is a god of the hills and not of the plains.’ So I will defeat this vast army for you. Then you will know that I am the LORD.” [1 Kings 20.28]

The king of Israel here is Ahab, an exceptionally wicked man.

But while the story of Ahab seems to be the focal point of the story, there is another extremely important revelation also lying in plain sight. That revelation is the goodness and mercy of God.

As wicked as Ahab was, God gave him the opportunity to simply obey Him in carrying out a miraculous defeat of Ben-hadad and the Arameans. But, even though God caused that great defeat of the Aramean army, Ahab failed to execute his role in fully carrying out God's plan - he let Ben-hadad live.

Oh, it seems such a small thing... I mean, Israel killed one-hundred thousand Aramean soldiers! However, Ben-hadad temporarily escaped the slaughter. When his men convinced him Ahab would be merciful, Ben-hadad surrendered to Ahab and found that to be the case. Ahab set Ben-hadad free signaling less than full defeat of of the Aramean army.

God's prophet, speaking for God (God's Word), made clear to Ahab what a grave mistake of disobedience Ahab had made.

God certainly knew Ahab was wicked and easily influenced by evil (including by his wicked wife Jezebel). And yet, God gave Ahab the opportunity to obey. 

As much as we tend to focus on Ahab in this sad story, it is worth giving attention to God's extended patience even with one of the most wicked people of the Bible. Truly, God's mercy knows no boundaries.

God is good, His faithful love - His mercy - endures forever!

Father, Your mercy is on clear display in the story of Ahab in today's OYCB reading. As much as my focus can be on the bad things, help me to see Your mercy on clear display throughout the history chronicled in the Bible. You are indeed good!

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