
Saturday, May 28, 2022

List Of What God Hates

There are six things the LORD hates—no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family. [Proverbs 6.16-19]

1. Proud: God hates pride. Anything to do with man thinking he is capable in anything is pride. Pride says, "I can do this." Sound familiar? It should be considered that pride is first in the list of things God hates.

2. Liar: God hates lying. The Author of Truth has no use for falsehood. It serves no good purpose.

3. Murderer: God hates murder. As could be expected of the very source of love and justice, God, Who gives life is offended by anyone who takes innocent life.

4. Wicked: God hates wickedness. "Plotting" is not the problem. "Plotting evil" is the work of wickedness.

5. Self Indulgent: God hates self indulgence. This is very similar to wickedness. However, it carries the idea of just unrestrained disregard for boundaries. It seems to speak of the complete lack of self-control without regard for right or wrong.

6. False Witness: God hates a false witness. Similar to a liar, the false witness lies about others with the specific intent of harm or slander.

7. Troublemaker: God hates a troublemaker. A person who advocates trouble among family members is similar to a false witness, but it seems, worse.

It would seem there are many other things that displease God. However, it is worth at least pondering the fact that without faith it is impossible to please God. That said, it should make sense to us that these seven things God hates are best avoided then by faith.


Father, I want to please You and I realize it will only be done by faith. I can see how it requires faith to avoid these seven things You hate. I can see how faith is the realm in which these seven things do not exist.

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