
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Has The Lord Rejected Me Forever?

Has the Lord rejected me forever? Will he never again be kind to me? Is his unfailing love gone forever? Have his promises permanently failed? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he slammed the door on his compassion? [Psalm 77.7-9]

NO! The answer to every question above is NO!

I am at a place in my life where I am making some big life decisions (or, at least I think I am making some big life decisions).

In the process of considering what is going on in my life right now, I find Psalm 77 reminding me how God has dealt with me in the past (as it coincided with His Word). 

As the Bible presents it, when we walk on the path God puts before us, following the Light of His Word, seeking His Kingdom above all, there will be blessing. On the other hand, when we walk in our rebellion, blessings cease. As simple as this is to write, it is much more difficult to live out.

I "answered a call to ministry" when I was a very young man (19 to be exact). As I survey my efforts to fulfill that call, there is a pattern of difficulty and disappointment. But when I recall a couple times in my life when I "walked away from it" (at least from what my understanding of what a call to ministry was), I seemed to enter times of blessing.

Now, there is a much more in-depth version of my life story, but this synopsis serves the purpose of what I believe the Lord is saying to me today.

I know for fact, from the Word of God, that each of us is called to ministry. No one is exempt. I think my understanding of what a call to ministry is has been skewed by my hope that my calling would transition into a lasting vocation for me, but it has not and appears it never will.

By the way, it is liberating to write this here today. It has only taken me just a little over 40 years to come to this conclusion.

So, as I consider the questions posed by Psalm 77.7-9, I can answer them with all the same answer, "NO!" When I strayed from the Lord in the past (not in devotion, but in vocation), it seems clear that I have suffered. However, on the two occasions mentioned earlier that I walked away from the idea of full-time vocational ministry, God placed me in a position of blessing. Suffice it to say here, that what I did with that blessing is another topic for another day.

Here's the deal: I cannot say for sure if I am "on to something" in my life or not (as of this writing). Have I realized a spiritual pattern in my life that will help me to understand my steps going forward? We shall see.

Father, I am grateful that Your blessings have not been withheld from me forever. I am thankful that You speak daily from Your Word with confirmation of Your Holy Spirit leading me to Your blessings. It is comforting to know that You always draw me back to You and Your plan and purpose for my life. May I be found fully surrendered to You for my remaining days on earth. May my life serve as a valuable lesson for others.

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