
Friday, February 21, 2020

Thank God

Through this process, he will purify the Most Holy Place, and he will do the same for the entire Tabernacle, because of the defiling sin and rebellion of the Israelites. [Leviticus 16.16]

Israel's sin not only defiled the person or persons doing the sin, but it also defiled the Tabernacle and, even the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle.

If there is any carry-over or similarity between the Tabernacle and our places of worship today, then what would that be?

Of course, Christ-followers must depend only on the blood of Jesus for their personal atonement, but would it not make sense that they also would need to consider the blood of Jesus over their places of  public worship and devotion?

Perhaps we would do well to consider and confess the blood of Jesus over every place we go. Perhaps it would be a good matter of first-things-first to consider Jesus' blood for ourselves, our places of private worship and devotion, and for our places of public worship and devotion.

But wait...

Unlike those other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices every day. They did this for their own sins first and then for the sins of the people. But Jesus did this once for all when he offered himself as the sacrifice for the people’s sins. [Hebrews 7.27]

Wow, "once for all" is a good thing! So then, we are left with no responsibility or need for repeated "atonement" - what then are we to do? This is a good time to discuss giving of thanks! Jesus has done all that needs to be done. In every place we presume then to worship God, atonement has been made - the cleansing is complete  - and we may freely and boldly worship and thank God with all that is in us!

Father, thank You for Jesus! I know I have said it repeatedly and I will say it again - thank You!

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