
Saturday, February 01, 2020

God's Name

God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you. This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations. [Exodus 3.15]

Yahweh is God's name.

For most I think it seems strange to use His name though. Why is that?

The main reason we may hesitate to use God's name may be because of respect. If the standing President of the United States spoke to me (and we had no prior relationship) I would be compelled to address him as "Mr. President" and not use his first name. In fact, it would be correct protocol to do so.

However, depending on my relationship with the President, my address of him may be different.If the President and I were golfing buddies and watched the Super Bowl together every year, the likelihood of me addressing him as "Mr. President" decreases. Instead, I would be more likely to call him by his given name.

So while it is not incorrect to refer to Yahweh as "God", the degree of relationship to Him may in fact warrant calling Him Yahweh.

But, let's take this further...

What do you suppose the son of the President of the United States calls his dad? Mr. President? Donald? Or, would the son of the President call him Father? Or still yet, Daddy? It all depends on relationship.

The application of this to us as believers is obvious. Perhaps we would do well to consider what we call God. Are there circumstances where we should call Him God and not Yahweh and certainly not Father? Are there circumstances where we would call Him Yahweh instead of God or Father? Yes, of course.

If a stranger asked me who my father is, I would reply with my father's name. If the inquiring person knows my family, I will answer with only my father's first name. But if the inquiring person does not know my family, I would reply with my father's first and last name.

If I was having a conversation with my brother about our father, I would refer to him as Dad, Daddy, or in my case, Pop. In a similar conversation with a friend, I would most likely refer to my dad as my dad. If that friend was familiar enough with me and my dad, I would likely refer to my dad as Pop.

Perhaps the names we know God by carry similar indicators of relationship. Perhaps we would do very well to understand the names and titles of God and use them correctly!

Father, I am made uncomfortably aware that perhaps I haven't shown You the proper respect in how I address You. I know it must matter to You because I know it matters to me with my own children and acquaintances. Help me to remain mindful of how I address You directly and indirectly as done in the presence or absence of fellow believers or strangers.

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