The sons of Judah were Er, Onan, Shelah, Perez, and Zerah (though Er and Onan had died in the land of Canaan). The sons of Perez were Hezron and Hamul. [Genesis 46.12]
I don't know whether it means anything or not, but I wanted to at least document some thoughts here today regarding Judah.
First, the reason I want to discuss Judah is because one title for Jesus is "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah." So, it matters at least in that regard.
More clearly, the line of lineage through which the Messiah, Jesus would be identified was the lineage of Judah. Mind you, Jesus actual blood was from the Holy Spirit, but the blood line of lineage that would point to Jesus was through Judah.
Perez was Judah's son that this lineage would be traced. Perez was the offspring born to Judah through the trickery of Tamar, the widow of Judah's son Er, who then, subsequently was the widow of Judah's next son Onan. Tamar then 'played the harlot' and so tricked her father-in-law into a sexual relation yielding the 'bastard'(?) child Perez. What a mess!
It was through this mess that God preserved the blood that Judah evidently carried that was necessary to point to Messiah.
Let's also look at Judah. He was ultimately conceived through the trickery of Laban who somehow managed to do a bride-switch at the time Jacob was about to consummate with his new bride (which he thought was Rachel).
But the blood line would not normalize after this! To carry the blood line through David would involve an adulterous relationship (that involved premeditated murder).
Why do I point this out? I wonder if the seed God planted was necessarily carried through a certain lineage? Would that mean that to do so would require manipulation - even incest, trickery, and adultery? How could this be?
Thank God the actual blood of Jesus did not arrive through this lineage! Otherwise, Jesus would have carried the sinful nature of His 'lineage.'
One thing I know, these unusual circumstances made it very east to identify and remember the lineage that would point to Jesus!
Father, I don't really understand the significance of the lineage You chose to point to Messiah - Your Son, Jesus. But, I genuinely believe, in time I will. Thank You.
It was through this mess that God preserved the blood that Judah evidently carried that was necessary to point to Messiah.
Let's also look at Judah. He was ultimately conceived through the trickery of Laban who somehow managed to do a bride-switch at the time Jacob was about to consummate with his new bride (which he thought was Rachel).
But the blood line would not normalize after this! To carry the blood line through David would involve an adulterous relationship (that involved premeditated murder).
Why do I point this out? I wonder if the seed God planted was necessarily carried through a certain lineage? Would that mean that to do so would require manipulation - even incest, trickery, and adultery? How could this be?
Thank God the actual blood of Jesus did not arrive through this lineage! Otherwise, Jesus would have carried the sinful nature of His 'lineage.'
One thing I know, these unusual circumstances made it very east to identify and remember the lineage that would point to Jesus!
Father, I don't really understand the significance of the lineage You chose to point to Messiah - Your Son, Jesus. But, I genuinely believe, in time I will. Thank You.
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