The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor. [Genesis 49.10]
Here it is - a direct prophecy of the coming Messiah.
No doubt, Jacob was fully aware of the "stuff" that had taken place in Judah's life. Jacob would have known how wicked his two grandsons through Judah (Er and Onan) were, causing their untimely deaths. He would have be seen that when Shelah (Judah's third son) was grown, he was not married to Tamar as would have been right. More likely than not, Jacob would have known of Judah's "visit to a prostitute" as that situation eventually led to Judah's initial public proclamation that Tamar should die for her prostitution only to discover that the child she carried was his own. Messed up stuff.
But I found it interesting today that Jacob mentioned the "scepter" and "ruler's staff" remaining in Judah's family. I remembered what it was that Judah gave the harlot (Tamar, although unknown at that time) as security until he should pay her. He gave her his articles of identity:
“What kind of guarantee do you want?” he replied. She answered, “Leave me your identification seal and its cord and the walking stick you are carrying.” So Judah gave them to her. Then he had intercourse with her, and she became pregnant. [Genesis 38.18]
Why Judah would agree to leave pretty much his entire identity with a (supposed) prostitute is beyond me. But when I think of "walking stick" and "identification seal" I see a close correlation with "scepter" and "ruler's staff" - all these articles defining the identity and authority of their owner. Judah seemed awful careless with his identity, and yet, he certainly got his "identity" back!
What is the lesson here?
The lesson, as I see it, is that God's prophecy of His coming Messiah would not be mistaken. As messed up as the situation was, it would not be soon forgotten and leave a clear trail of ancestry - ancestry that was declared to point to the Messiah.
And, I suppose it is only fitting that the lineage pointing to God's Incarnate Forgiveness would be rife with evidence not only of that identity of Messiah, but even more so of the need for Messiah.
God promised a Savior for sinful, wretched, and needy mankind - not a sinless and sufficient mankind.
Father, I know I have complained in times past about the messed up stuff in the lineage that would point to Jesus. I have, in my own ignorant arrogance, declared "Foul" on many of the circumstances found in the lineage You chose to point to Your own Son. Please forgive me for this proud assessment of Your brilliant plan. Thank You for helping me to see that the messed up stuff of man is exactly why You sent Your Son in the first place.
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