Then Job spoke again: [Job 19.1]
Job's story is perhaps one of the most misunderstood stories of the entire Bible. Now, in saying that, I wish to include myself in my claim. I make no assertion here of greater understanding of Job than anyone else. Job's story is a puzzle each and every one of us must put together from our cumulative understanding of the nature and character of both God and man. The book of Job will not be understood apart from a greater understanding of the entire Bible. Frankly, the book of Job and the Revelation of John are both books that should never be considered only upon their own facts, but in light of all that is known about God and His character and plan for man as found in the Bible as a whole.
With that said, in today's OYCB reading, it starts out with Job talking ...AGAIN. The careful and studious reader of Job must keep in mind that a rebuke from God is pending. That means, at some point, at least some thing was said that was wrong. The story eventually reveals the necessity for both Job and his friends to repent. So, what was it that got them all into trouble?
What WAS is that got Job and his friends at odds with God?
Perhaps it was something they said? Or perhaps it was simply that they kept on talking instead of ...? Praying? Helping one another? Praying for one another? Grieving with Job?
One thing I am noticing more and more every time I read Job's story is that is just keeps on going... The talk and arguing seem like they will never end. And, what they say sounds right sometimes and sounds a little skewed at other times. What's worse is that much of the time, they are all saying the same thing. The conversations (arguments) seem to get nowhere. Is that what God wants? I don't think so. And, judging by Job's eventual confession later that he should have kept his mouth shut, I think there is a lesson that silence, in hard times, may indeed be golden.
Father, I am paying attention to Job's story as much as I can. Help me to see clearly all that takes place, both in the single events and the big picture. And, help me to make no hasty judgments about any of the story (or the characters) but rather to meditate on it all as it relates to my life and walk with You.
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