
Saturday, January 04, 2020

A Pure Testimony

The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give back my people who were captured. But you may keep for yourself all the goods you have recovered.” Abram replied to the king of Sodom, “I solemnly swear to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will not take so much as a single thread or sandal thong from what belongs to you. Otherwise you might say, ‘I am the one who made Abram rich.’ [Genesis 14.21-23]

I have been quoting this passage lately in regard to my health. Actually, I was quoting it wrong as far as the characters are involved, but I was right on the idea...

I want to know I am healed and sustained by God. Is that too much to ask? According to Abram's story here, it is not.

Abram's reason for not wanting to accept goods from the king of Sodom was that he did not want any person to claim responsibility for Abram's good fortune except God and God alone. 

What would it have hurt if Abram received the goods from the king of Sodom? Nothing at all ...except his testimony ...his testimony that Almighty God was his Provider! Abram did not want it said that the king of Sodom made him rich. He did not want the slightest possibility of that being said. He wanted a pure testimony to God's provision from his own mouth AND the mouth of others.

It hasn't been too many days ago, in reading the OYCB, that the passage in Revelation spoke of those who were victorious because of the blood of the Lamb and their testimony. Hmm, now that is interesting. Think it is a coincidence? I don't think so.

The problem with most believers today is that they don't have a pure testimony of God's Providence in their lives. They say God healed them, but there are also doctors and drug companies that would argue differently (not all, but most). They say God provided for them, but there are finance companies that would argue differently (again, not all, but most). As long as there is even only one who claims the role of healer or provider in our lives besides God Almighty, our testimony is tainted. 

Oh sure, we can continue to say what we want, but as long as there is anyone else out there who can "prove" their role in healing or provision, our testimony is questionable at best. As long as anyone else can claim a role in our healing or provision, not all the glory goes to God. As long as anyone else can claim a role in our healing or provision, how can we ever attest to, and demonstrate, the pure power of God?

Are not God's people different?

This topic is becoming more and more important to me. As I age and my body tells me I need a doctor, my spirit holds out that God is my Healer. Am I a fool? Perhaps I am, but I would rather trust God and hear Him call me a fool for doing so when I die and stand in His presence rather than trust man and have God question me for not trusting Him! Should I not be concerned with my testimony?

Father, forgive me for so cluttering my life with tainted powerless testimony. I want to be like Abram (who would, by the way, become known as the father of faith) in safeguarding a pure and powerful testimony (by my confession and the admission of others) that YOU and YOU alone sustained my life.

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