
Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Something To Think About

Today's reading reveals much. I am not sure what that is, but I know there is much to be learned from all that is documented!

The story of Jacob and Esau should be studied in depth. I am not sure why, but the Promise to Abraham would be carried through Jacob - not Esau.

In Jewish culture at the time, the firstborn son was pretty much "the boss" (for lack of a better word).

In my mind, I see God's choice of Jacob over Esau in much the same light as I see God's instruction to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac - extremely non-conventional.

Unlike Abraham who knew God chose Isaac as the son of Promise, Isaac on the other hand seemed to be clueless that Jacob was to carry on the Promise as the chosen son. Interestingly enough, Esau pleased Isaac greatly with his wild game provision - in other words, Esau won his father's approval through his stomach. Perhaps Isaac liked the fact that Esau was quite the outdoorsman too. Regardless, Isaac would have put the blessing on Esau had not Rebekah intervened.

There could be lots of questions why this story unfolded as it did. I know I have many. But chooses who He chooses (the Bible is clear about that) and history is the result of that.

I guess one point that stands out to me is that Esau would sell his birthright to Jacob. In light of Jewish culture and the extreme significance of firstborn rights, the fact that Esau would sell his birthright tells much about his character. But then, Jacob was a deceiver!

So where was faith in this story? Was it in Rebekah, who was told that two nations had been conceived in her and that the elder would serve the younger? Do we miss something important if we overlook Rebekah? It is worth considering! Rebekah essentially orchestrated the blessing upon Jacob the younger in faith and then in that same faith warned him to flee to Laban's family to save his life. Her faith was that God had given her revelation of Jacob's role in history and she did everything she could to facilitate that.

It is something to think about...

Father, I am grateful to You for showing me so much from Your Story. It is exciting to read it over and over and feel like I can see and learn something new every time. Thank You.

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