
Monday, December 31, 2018

No Curse - Something To Look Forward To

No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him. [Revelation 22.3]

What is described above is something to look forward to!

Imagine no curse upon anything! Frankly, it is practically unimaginable because we are so accustomed to curses - sickness, disease, lack, hatred, immorality - that it is difficult (at best) to conceive what a curse-less world would be like. But it is worth considering and meditating upon!

It is worth considering and meditating upon for one very good reason: Jesus instructed us to pray for God's will on earth as it is in heaven! Unless we set our minds on things above, we really have no idea how to pray for things here on earth!

I believe a genuine effort to remain mindful of the way things are in heaven will be instrumental in our being able to effectively pray for things on earth. It will furthermore guide our demonstration and testimony to all with whom we come into contact.

Just to be clear, Deuteronomy 28 gives a very clear and well-defined list of what curses look like. It also gives a perfect picture of what blessings look like. We should all know Deuteronomy 28 by heart!

So, while we certainly look forward to the end of time as we know it (with every curse removed), those of us who know the Father have been commissioned to represent the way things are in heaven here on earth. Jesus showed us how to do just that!

Father, help me to be mindful how things are in heaven (curse-less) and be a faithful and dedicated ambassador of it (Your Kingdom) to the world today and forever .

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