
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Loving Life???

And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. [Revelation 12.11]

I am just going to use the scripture above to draw a conclusion not necessarily the point of the verse. However, I believe my conclusion is accurate.

Here it is: one who is afraid to die loves life.

This statement is profound.

Conversely, one who is not afraid to die does not love life. I might go further to say that one who is not afraid to die is not in love with life.

We tend to glorify people who "love life." The problem with this is that people who love life are in danger of having no greater love.

Interestingly enough, Jesus made clear that there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for his friends. In other words, while it may be nice to love life, greater love is to love friends' lives to the extent of giving one's life in order to preserve theirs.

So, do we wish to be known as lovers of life, or lovers of others?

The scripture above is clear that those who did not love their lives are the same as those who defeated the enemy of God and man.

"Loving life" sounds cool, but loving others is better (and doesn't come with fear of death).

How can we know if we love life or love others? May I suggest the answer to this question may be seen in our prayers? What we pray for reveals what we love. If our prayers are mostly focused on our own personal needs instead of the needs of others, then we might just need a "prayer adjustment!"

Father, help me to consider what or who I love today.

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