But Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. [Genesis 50.19-20]
Once again today, I am reminded that trial and tribulations indeed come. However, trials and tribulations are not the end - they are simply transitional.
Joseph's experience with his brothers was not the end. It was transitional - he was going to be a ruler. Joseph's imprisonment over Potipher's wife was not the end. It was transitional - he was going to be a ruler. Why? Because God had given him a dream of being a ruler and Joesph's focus was on just that.
The Apostle Paul's shipwreck was not the end. It was transitional - he was going to Rome. The deadly snake that bit Paul was not the end. It was simply transitional - he was going to Rome. Why? Because God had granted Paul the opportunity to minister in Rome and Paul's focus was on doing just that.
For us, trials and tribulations are supposed to be transitional! So, what are we supposed to do in trials and tribulations? We need to stay focused. No matter what, we need to remain committed to what God has told us. If we are on a particular mission, we need to stay true to that. We need to shake everything else off (like Joseph forgave his brothers and others and like Paul shook off the snake).
Joseph apparently was able, through the cistern and through his prison experience to remain focused on his purpose. Even in his servitude, Joseph excelled. When he could have been feeling sorry for himself, he was instead gaining trust and favor. How? By staying focused. Joseph was sure that he would be a "ruler" in keeping with his dreams as a young man.
I am certain, Joseph had many opportunities to feel like his dreams were just silly - especially when he wound up in that cistern at his brothers' hands, and when he wound up in prison at Potipher's hand. The sense of betrayal in both these circumstances must have been formidable, but Joseph overcame it! Why? Because he was focused!
So we have trials and tribulations. They are real. But we must remain focused.
What has God called us to? While it may have slight variances from person to person, we can ALL be sure of this: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come." This was Jesus' mission and is therefore our mission (John 20.21 quotes Jesus: "Again he said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.”)
We need to stay focused on this! But the sad truth is, it is hard to stay focused on something that has never been focused on to begin with! No better time however than now to get this right!
Our mission is to look and act like Jesus on the earth. Period. Stay focused on it!
Like Joseph, when we stay focused on our life-purpose, we will not hold grudges. We will however preserve life. We will do great things. We will glorify our God. And yes, there will be difficulties, but those difficulties are NOT the end, they are merely transitional regardless how 'terminal' they appear.
How much different would our lives look if we took fear of death, fear of failure, fear of disaster, fear of anything except not accomplishing our life-purpose out of the picture? Well, it would look a lot like Joseph. It would look a lot like the Apostle Paul. Most importantly, it would look a lot like JESUS CHRIST!
It must be said here because some will inadvertently run roughshod past it. If there is indwelling sin in our lives, trials and tribulations are NOT transitional, but they are just reward. Sin must be confessed and forgiven, otherwise, trials and tribulations will be our lot in life! However! When we repent of our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us... In other words, the trials and tribulations become transitional! Herein lies a GREAT lesson! What are trials and tribulations if they are not part of the curse for disobedience (Deuteronomy chapter 28)? If we repent, we are forgiven - and what is forgiveness if it is not release from the curse for disobedience?
So, back to staying focused... Staying focused very much involves a repentant heart. When we know we have repented, we know we are forgiven. When we know we are forgiven, we know we are reinstated to every blessing found in heaven. When we walk in that lifestyle of repentance and faith (humble confidence), we will be able to look and act like Jesus (as did Joseph and Paul).
Father, I want to stay focused on my life-purpose because "Your Spirit is upon me, for You have anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. You have sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of Your favor has come."
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