
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Glory Is God's (So Repent)

Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness. [Psalm 115.1]

Never, as I can recall, does the Bible praise man for his unfailing love and faithfulness. Never.

The reason for this is that man fails at love and is unfaithful.

On the contrary, God never fails at love and is always faithful.

Furthermore, God is good. He is always good. Good things come from Him. He is Love and He is Faithful and True!

Bad things come from God too! Yes, because everything is under God's control, it can be safely said that bad things come from God. However! There is a reason for bad things... That reason is disobedience. Disobedience requires punishment from a truly loving Father. Punishment is what it is - punishment - it is bad - it is painful.

Now, here is the point I am making: for us to say that bad things are not punishment, but are a test from God, is for us to claim glory for ourselves. In other words, to say, "I am sinless and undeserving of punishment, but God is testing me," is to take glory as if "I" am ok! The glory is God's and God's alone!

When trials come our way, the best thing we can do then is GIVE GOD GLORY - not to declare our innocence, but to declare that He is perfect and, regardless of our presumed innocence, His punishment (because bad things are associated with the curses for disobedience (Deut. 28)) is just as He is just! Our best option is to REPENT!

Now that is giving God glory. See the difference? 

Our repentance gives God glory! Our excuses that our "suffering" is not punishment are indicators of pride - taking glory for ourselves!

Father, I wish to give You all the glory! You are good - Your faithful love endures forever! Mine does not! Be glorified in me - I need You! I am nothing without You. I cannot live without You. There is no purpose apart from You. Yes, be glorified in me. Be glorified in me. Not to me, but to You belongs all the glory.

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