
Monday, July 10, 2017

Repentance and Redemption Go Together

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. [Psalm 107.1]

Those who are wise will take all this to heart; they will see in our history the faithful love of the LORD. [Psalm 107.43]

Including and what lies between these two scripture verses is a description of God and His character.

My synopsis of this chapter in the Psalms is that God stands ready to always bless and rescue those who are obedient and inflict suffering and loss on the disobedient. There are very clear references to to this.

In addition to my conclusions above, Psalm 107 is also a clear indicator of redemption. Redemption comes after repentance. Redemption is always "good" like God is "good." Redemption is always presented as desirable blessings and never undesirable trials and suffering! Repentance and redemption always go together.

If we are to walk as children of God, it high time we know God for Who He is and not what religion has made Him out to be! "Religion" has done this to save face because, rather than obey God, religion has held to its sin and refused to admit that consequences are punishment! Instead, religion has fabricated outright lies about God and His character to make His punishments seem random and supposedly "loving" when all the time religion is just trying to hide its sin and proudly declare innocence.

Psalm 107 reveals truth. Truth about God. Truth about Sin. Truth about repentance and redemption.

Father, thank You for the words of Psalm 107. Thank You that I can learn more about Who You truly are in this chapter!

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