
Saturday, July 15, 2017

God is Good

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. [Psalm 136.1]

So, what do we know about God?

Psalm 136 gives us great detail into the existence and character of God our Father. First and foremost, He is good. And, for the record, "good" means good. It doesn't mean "masked" good - it doesn't mean bad that we have to choose to accept as good. It just means that He is GOOD.

Everything God does is good. His justice is good ...for the just. However, His justice is not so good for those in disobedience or opposition to Him. Just reading down through Psalm 136 reveals that God's faithful love killed the firstborn in Egypt. Why? Because Egypt was in open rebellion and disobedience.

We should be keenly aware that the repetition of the phrase, "The LORD is good, His faithful love endures forever," means something! It means that it is TRUE!

Why, do you suppose, we have all the repeated accounts of God's goodness? Because God knows that we need every reminder we can get because our adversary, the devil, is a liar, and will continue to lie to us about God - questioning God's good character - with every possible means available to him.

When we look at it like this, it makes it much more important not to be led astray regarding God's goodness.

Father, You are GOOD. Your faithful love endures forever!

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