Thursday, May 25, 2017

Repentance (It Just keeps Coming)

As I was praying today about repentance, it occurred to me that possibly repentance is not an event as much as it is a lifestyle.

I think about how many times I have "repented" over sin only to repeat that sin in a short time.

Why is that?

Perhaps it is because repentance is not an event! Perhaps true repentance is a proactive change of life.

Perhaps repentance is more a resolve than it is a conclusion. We should stop and think about this statement...

One thing I know: to sin, "repent" and then commit the same sin again only to "repent" the same way again IS the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results).

We adopt a failure mode of repentance when we do not proactively change the way we do things! 

What will it take to avoid that same sin ever again? Now, that is the key to true repentance! Chances are, it will take change! Being sorry is fine... for awhile. Then, sin (that same old sin) re-surfaces and the feeling of being sorry is long gone - and that same old sin only further familiarizes itself with us becoming steadily more intimately involved and ingrained in our lives.

So, it makes sense that true repentance is a lifestyle - not an event. Lifestyle involves regular daily practices exercised on purpose for the purpose of avoiding future sin!

It is simply not right to expect an outpouring of God's blessing on our lives when we "confess our sins" but take no preventive measures against repeating those sins. Jesus never intended for His name and work at Calvary to be a get-out-of-jail-free card!

Anyone claiming "Grace!" but is unwilling to make changes is making a mockery of the Son of God. Oh yeah, I went there!

A "broken and contrite spirit" (Psalm 51.17) is achieved through lifestyle and goes far beyond temporary tears of sorrow.

Father, help us to adopt a lifestyle of repentance - help us be willing to change whatever it is that will make that lifestyle a habit. And, thank You that Jesus and His Kingdom teachings are at the center of that lifestyle.

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