Monday, April 24, 2017

The Bible Story of "My" Life

But that same night the LORD said to Nathan, “Go and tell my servant David, ‘This is what the LORD has declared: Are you the one to build a house for me to live in? [2 Samuel 7.4-5]

In light of my last two days' posts, I find it interesting that David was not allowed to build God's Temple. Now, David does receive some encouraging news that his will be a dynasty of kings, but David himself was not the guy to build God's Temple.

I suppose the most dangerous thing we can do is over analyze any single person's life in the Bible (besides perhaps Jesus). However, It makes sense that we at least consider all the facts we are given on any given person's life and review the general outcome of their actions. With the exception of Jesus, the human factor leaves room in any person for weaknesses as well as strengths.

For us to consider the characters portrayed in the Bible and only see either their strengths or their weaknesses, without considering the "package" deal of both, is discouraging to us! I say this because we all have both strengths and weaknesses. To focus only on one or the other leaves us vulnerable to pride or discouragement (whichever applies).

God wants to use our strengths. God wants to overcome our weaknesses. How we allow God to do this in us is the Bible story of our lives!

Moses eventually stepped out of bounds enough it cost him his privilege of entering the Promised Land, but that does not change he fact that Moses was God's man - and a special man at that! So David was a champion of champions, but that did not make him perfect! David was not allowed to build God's Temple.

With this all in mind, there is much to consider in our own lives, is there not?

Father, please help me to comprehend the whole package of the life stories revealed in the Bible. Help me to see how strengths were used and how weaknesses, left unattended, were hindrances in the accomplishment of Your will on the earth.

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