
Sunday, September 07, 2014

We Need Revival

What would it have been like to be Daniel?

I admit that sometimes when I read some of these things I find myself doubtful.  But in so doing, I am making myself a god refusing thereby to acknowledge my powerless condition and my subsequent need for a more intimate relationship with the LORD of Heaven and Earth.  It all comes down to faith.

Even though I have seen people turn away from faith and become purely humanistic in their lives and perspective, I cannot reasonably do the same.  I prefer to pursue faith.  Even though an inventory of my spiritual life reveals very little spiritual substance, I still believe.  And, God help me, I will still believe.

I believe there remains to be seen better understanding of prophecies of the Bible.  I believe God still intends to fulfil every prophecy and promise made in the Bible.  I believe Jesus the Messiah has made possible even more intimate relationship with God.  And I believe we so dishonor Him and His work by our lack of faith.  I furthermore believe that because Jesus set up a 'system' of faith, and that because we fail to operate in that system, that little of God's ready faith-activated power is manifested today.

As a result, even Christianity has become laced and intertwined with humanistic thinking and dogma.  We need revival.

Father, please forgive me for my part and participation in humanistic thinking.  Jesus taught us that faith was the key to pleasing You, and yet we refuse to believe.  Oh, we 'say' we believe in Jesus, but in practice categorically reject His teachings about faith in every other realm of life (moving mountains, etc.).  It is no wonder we read about Daniel with such difficulty and disbelief.  Help us LORD, - send revival!

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