
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Let Jesus In The Boat

When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m too much of a sinner to be around you.”  For he was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him. [Luke 5.8-9]

Peter displayed a level of humility that few of us ever realize.  Here he was in the presence of Almighty God and had just witnessed a great miracle, but he declared himself unworthy of such a privilege.

I believe so few of us have ever actually realized such humility because so few of us have ever actually seen such a miracle because so few of us have ever actually taken the first step of obedience to Jesus (i.e. let Jesus 'in our boat').  

If we let Jesus in our boat, He might just sink it.

I think I struggle with Peter's words because I think, "Lord, I want to be in Your presence!"  But those words are easy to say for a person who neither really grasps the holiness of God nor the unworthiness of man!  And, it would seem, the unworthiness of man is indeterminate without the holiness of God by which to measure.  So, naturally, people with no exposure to God have neither fear of God nor conviction of sin.

This is why it worries me when television personalities present Christianity as something other than pure humility.  The prudent Bible student realizes that Peter first started off in pure humility and then went on the do great things for the Savior he loved.

The impressive thing about Peter in this account today however, is not that he realized his sinfulness, but that, in spite of his spoken desire not to be faced with his unworthiness ("I'm too much of a sinner to be around you."), he instead stayed with Jesus.  In fact, Peter's words that he requested Jesus to leave him were anything but good - they were merely Peter's attempt at preserving his own pride and dignity!  Peter's journey began however, when he let Jesus in his boat.

How many times have we come into God's presence only to quickly whisk ourselves away because we became too uncomfortable?  It is way past time for us to let Jesus in our boat.

Father, regardless of how pathetic it reveals me to be (and I am pathetic), please stay with me!  Do the work in me that was done in Peter!  Help me to know You more that I might, in turn, make You known!

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