
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Get Back To God's Will

On October 9 the family leaders of all the people, together with the priests and Levites, met with Ezra the scribe to go over the Law in greater detail.  As they studied the Law, they discovered that the Lord had commanded through Moses that the Israelites should live in shelters during the festival to be held that month.  He had said that a proclamation should be made throughout their towns and in Jerusalem, telling the people to go to the hills to get branches from olive, wild olive, myrtle, palm, and other leafy trees.  They were to use these branches to make shelters in which they would live during the festival, as prescribed in the Law. [Nehemiah 8.13-15]

Here is an example of the people going back to God's Word and His will and quite literally 'stepping back', as far as civilization goes, in order to better align themselves with God's will.

One thing we hear a lot about today (in Christian circles) is culture - particularly that things people did long ago were the culture then and have no application now...

I wonder if we need to scrap culture and simply get back to what God has said!  I am not talking going back to Old Testament ways, because Jesus said He brought a New Testament...  But what if we just got back to the letter of what Jesus said?

Father, give us grace to get in Your will!

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