
Friday, July 25, 2014

Peace and Love

“But there is no peace for the wicked,” says the Lord. [Isaiah 48.22]

This statement about sums it up: No God, no peace.

If Christians do not have peace, then are they in fact Christians at all?


Isaiah, speaking on behalf of the LORD, indicates that it is the wicked from whom peace is withheld.  It seems then that love and peace go together.  Those identifiable as God's own should be recognizable by their love and by their peace.

John (1 John 4.8) said "Anyone who does not love does not know God..."

Isaiah said (quoting God above), that the wicked will have no peace.  In other words, anyone who does not have peace does not know God.

Maybe I am taking liberties here that I should not take.  But it occurs to me that something is wrong with Christianity when it looks as much like the world as the world does!

Father, it is very clear that there are at least two very defining characteristics of those who are Yours: love and peace.  Please remind me and help me to walk in these two characteristics - not of my own effort, but by the strength of Your Spirit afforded me through the work of Jesus!

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