
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Faith Test

“No longer will you need the sun to shine by day, nor the moon to give its light by night, for the Lord your God will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. [Isaiah 60.19]

I realize I have probably singled out this verse taking it out of its context.  However, in so doing, I felt like it had an application of significance today.

As Christians today, do we need the sun and the moon?  The quick answer is 'yes'.  We all know that sunlight is a vital ingredient in most all the processes of life.  And, while the moon may be of less notoriety, it too plays an important role in the processes of life (not the least of which is its tides).

But what Isaiah is revealing here is that instead of God's people relying upon the natural systems of the world, including its position and role in the solar system, we are to rely upon the LORD!  In other words, until we really see God as our source of life (and not the sun and all of nature that so depends upon it), then perhaps we have really yet to please God.

We 'say' that we as Christians do not worship the sun and moon, but, in deed, we actually do!  We have allowed ourselves to be infiltrated and ingrained with the science of the universe, thus 'worshiping' those 'life systems' instead of training ourselves to  know and rely upon the LORD as the source and sustenance of life!  This has become so prevalent that many 'Christians' now have accepted and believe the grossly unsupported doctrine of evolution and have somehow woven it into the fabric of their so-called faith.  But God won't be so minimized!

So, do we need the sun and moon?  Our answer reveals our faith - it could be seen as a faith test.

Father, every time I feel the warmth of the sun and marvel at the beauty of the moon, please help me to be reminded that You are the source and sustainer of life!  Help me to to recognize early-on any tendency in me to idolize the natural world and instead to grow more genuinely to worship You the Creator and not these created things!

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